JUNE 2025

Wider learning activity: Volunteers Week and terrorism threats


Watch the video below related to Terrorism Threats.

what is Volunteers Week?

“The celebration starts on the first Monday in June every year. It’s a chance to recognise, celebrate and thank the UK’s incredible volunteers for all they contribute to our local communities, the voluntary sector, and society as a whole.”

Volunteers’ Week is supported and celebrated by small grassroots organisations as well as larger, household-name charities, who together run hundreds of activities across the UK. These activities showcase and celebrate volunteers and the contribution volunteering makes in our communities.

Thinking of becoming a volunteer?  Take a look here at the ‘Becoming a Volunteer’ page – you can even search a database by interest, activity or location and apply online.

For further information please visit:  https://volunteersweek.org/about-volunteers-week/what-is-volunteers-week/


Volunteering is a great way to improve your wellbeing. Additionally, it can help you gain new experiences and skills – giving you a boost in self confidence.


  • Over 19 million people volunteered through a group at least once a year and almost 12 million people did at least once a month
  • In 17/18, volunteers contributed over £18 billion to the UK’s economy
  • Just over 2/3rds of volunteers gave their own time to community groups and charities.

Learner Activity 1

As part of your wider learning with B-Skill, I’d like you to think about an organisation, group or charity that you would consider volunteering for, perhaps at sometime in the future, and carry out some research into that group/charity.  Perhaps you already do volunteer – tell your coach about it.

Once completed, be prepared to be asked the following from your coach/tutor

  1. Why did you choose this charity/group?
  2. What did you discover about this charity/group?
  3. How do you think volunteering here would improve your wellbeing?

Activity 2

Wider learning activity: Terrorism Threats

Please watch the following 6 minute video and research learner activities at the end.

Learner Activity 2

Please be prepared for your coach/tutor to ask you about the following

  1. What is the current terrorism threat level
  2. What local terror threats have there been in your area within the past few years? Try to understand what happened, who was involved and what signs were there this activity was going on.  (If you answered this question already whilst on programme, please widen your geographical area and identify another example or perhaps something more recently has happened).