APRIL 2023
Wider learning activitIES:
NATIONAL TERROR THREAT LEVEL: SUBSTANTIAL (substantial – an attack is likely)
This month we focus on these three important topics. Please read and review the information detailed below and prepare to carry out a discussion with your coach/tutor at your next meeting.

Autism awareness week: 27 March – 2 April
With approximately 700,000 autistic adults and children in the UK, autism affects how people communicate and interact with the world. Autism is a lifelong disability where it appears to affect more men than women. Additionally, it affects people from all around the world, irrespective of religion, culture or social background.
One of the difficulties faced with autistic people is social communication, whereby they may think that people mean exactly what they say. They will also find it difficult to interpret:
-Facial Expressions
-Sarcasm, jokes
-People’s tone of voice
Diagnosing autism will help individuals understand certain difficulties and what can be done to help. Click here for further understanding of how autism affects people in different ways.
Please click here ( Clinical Partners Adult Autism Test) and complete the 30 question test. Please then discuss your results with your coach/tutor. It may be that you have Autism whereby, if you are comfortable, you can discuss your experiences with your coach/tutor.
For those not wishing to participate in this Autism exercise, here is a link to a raft of other tests to check (indicitave only) for other conditions such as OCD, anxiety, bipolar, depression, ADHA and anorexia – amongst others. If you choose one of these tests, please discuss your findings/results with your coach/tutor.

international mother earth day 2022 – APRIL 22ND
‘International Mother Earth Day’ (also known simply as Earth Day) recognises that the Earth and its ecosystems provide its inhabitants with life and sustenance. It also aims to raise awareness that humans have a collective responsibility to promote harmony with nature and to balance the economic, social and environmental needs of present and future generations. Click here to find out more about International Mother Earth Day.
‘Mother Earth’ is an ancient concept common to many languages and cultures, acknowledging our connection to the planet which sustains and nurtures us. Names include Pachamama (Andean culture), Terra (Ancient Rome) and Gaia (Ancient Greece). Gaia has also been used to name a theory (Gaia hypothesis) that life on Earth is organised into a complex a self-regulating system.” – Source
As part of your programme, B-Skill would like you to consider Mother Earth Day and think about things you can do to support the environment, protecting the earth and its species. Therefore, try to come up with a few day to day things you can do that will help support the environment and discuss with your tutor/coach why you decided on these activities. Ideas could include recycling or sustainability.
If you’re unable to do this, think about what is in place now (or upcoming in the near future) and explain why you support these endeavours/technologies.
Anaphylaxis – An Insight
Anaphylaxis is a severe and potentially life-threatening reaction to a trigger such as an allergy. (NHS.UK)
Please spend a few minutes watching the video opposite, and then reinforce your understanding of what to do in an emergency. You could aslo be interested in Top 10 Facts About Food Allergies.
Activity 3
Focus on either what the symptoms are of food allergy and/or what to do in an emergency. Carry out a discussion with your coach to explain your findings.