Wider learning activity:

County lines

County Lines

County Lines is where illegal drugs are transported from one area to another, often across police and local authority boundaries (although not exclusively), usually by children or vulnerable people who are coerced into it by gangs.


How Can Children/Young Persons Be Chosen/Identified?

A gang member will always be on the look out for someone to exploit.  They will see if the young person has any vulnerabilities (see below), find out what the young person’s wants and needs are – then manipulate the young person into believing that being in the gang can fulfil these needs.


Potential Vulnerabilities That May Be Identified

-the young person may have experienced neglect, physical and/or sexual abuse in the past

-social isolation or social difficulties


-homelessness or insecure accommodation status

-connections with other people involved in gangs

-having a learning disability

-having mental health problems

-having substance misuse issues

-being in care or having a history of being in care

-being excluded from mainstream education 


You Can Help Protect Yourself and Others

Recognise the vulnerabilities that attract groomers

Have a discussion with a responsible person if you have any concerns

Look for signs in others that may indicate they may be involved in County Lines

Understand the repercussions if the police become involved

The more you educate yourself, the more you will become aware of what to look out for – not just for yourself, but for others.

Do You Suspect County Lines May Be Happening Near You?

Some signs to look out for include:

  • An increase in visitors and cars to a house or flat
  • Unfamiliar vehicles at the property
  • New faces appearing at the house or flat
  • New and regularly changing residents (e.g different accents compared to local accent)
  • Click here for many further examples

What to do if you have concerns

The best advice is to trust your instincts. Even if someone isn’t involved in county lines drug dealing, they may be being exploited in some other way, so it’s always worth speaking out. You can speak to your local police by dialling 101, or in an emergency 999.


Common Phrases and Words...

Take a look at the poster below and reseach what each of them mean – this activity should take you about 10-15 minutes.

Please Watch This Video.

Activity 1

We hope you now have a better understanding of what County Lines is, and how to recognise if it is happening near you and that you can recognise some of the terminology used.


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