Coach Updates

Here you will find useful updates as and when they become available.  Please check in regularly to ensure you are up to date with all the news and information relating to your training programs.



This means an attack is likely

Do your learners know the current level?  Do they know what threats are likey to be in their region?

Check This Is Up to Date Here

Poster Resources Updated

The posters that you can display in your centre have been updated and now includes 2 additional posters from .GOV.UK.

You can review all of the available resources here.

Alternatively click here to download all of the posters (ZIP folder)




November 2024


This month we’re making a big focus on ‘sustainability‘.  Emails have been sent via Mailchimp, directing learners to review the graphic (on the right) and to expect a discussion with their coach/tutor.

Can you please have a catch up with your learners as soon as possible and go through the 4 points within this poster – hear their views and thoughts, give ideas etc.

Here’s the webpage learners are being directed to.

Every month there will be a ‘main’ focus topic the learners can review and research further.  This will be accompanied with a few other smaller topics to widen their understanding of wider learning issues.

County Lines is also a focus.  Learners have been encouraged to our county lines webpage.

Again, please spend some time discussing the content of these pages with your learners.  There’s a small questionnaire the learner can complete too – please encourage your learners to do this.

Looking for some wider learning posters/videos.  Here’s a link to our (growing) wider learning resources page.  Don’t forget to bookmark and keep visiting for updates.


Updates For B-Skill Safeguarding Officers

Please find our latest, up-to-date list (November 2024) of all of our safeguarding officers for B-Skill.

Please ensure learners are made aware of this update by visiting their learner newsletter webpage here.

Do your learners understand what this threat level means?  Do they know what the threats are within their local area?


The Dangers of Artificial Intelligence (AI) within Education

As AI becomes more prevalent within day to day use, we’ve released a video to make coaches aware of how AI can be both a benefit to learners and, of course, how it can cause potential issues – particularly due to plagiarism and authenticating learner evidence.

Please watch the following video (7 minutes), particularly paying attention to the requirement of confirming learner authenticity through q&a/discussion.  Recording these q&a/discussions will further reinforce the authenticity of evidence produced.

Aptem Updates/Video Upload APPS

New updates to VEO are available by watching the video here.

APPS – VEO capture apps are available at:
for iOS – click here 
for Android – click here


These apps will make your life easier in uploading your teaching and learning sessions.

City & Guilds SLC Support/Planning Tool

The beta version of the software is live.  The software will help you plan upcoming SLC activities (L1/L2)  with your learners, giving you hints, tips and ideas in order to reduce any possibility of mistakes happening.  Contact for further information.

Wider Learning App for PC/Laptop

Perfect for classroom (and sometimes for Teams etc), the first phase of our Wider learning App has been released for testing.

Challenge your learners to increase their knowledge of safeguarding, PREVENT, British Values and Equality & Diversity.

Watch the video and get an idea of how your learners can be stretched and challenged.

Contact for further information and access to the beta software.

Staying Safe in the Dark | Poster Added

Added: 21/01/2023

Please note that this ‘Staying Safe in the Dark’ poster has been added both here, within the Resources Centre in Aptem and our Wider Learning Resources Webpage.

In order to download, please right click the image and download.

The focus with all of the posters available is to stretch and challenge the learner – getting the learner to carry out independent research, whether that’s by themselves or in a group setting.

Additionally, because there are many different scenarios where someone may be out in the dark, creating a poster focusing on one scenario (eg, walking to work) is not realistic.  Therefore, asking a learner when they would be out in the dark, and then getting them to research how they can protect themselves is possibly the best approach here.

Feedback is always welcome, please email with any feedback/suggestions you have.


VEO | How to Upload a Video, Tag and Share

Added: 21/12/2022

For information on how to upload your teaching/learning/Assessment session and then tag and share, please watch the following short video.

The purpose of VEO is for you to review your recorded sessions and highlight areas you thought were a positive and any areas for development.

No one expects a perfect training session, so don’t worry if there are areas for development.  It is more important that you recognise these areas and then tag them within VEO.

Changing ‘Overdue Diary’ Entry to ‘Completed’

Added: 21/12/2022

If your overdue activities are stacking up, use this quick fix to update all overdue activities within the learner’s diary.

Access the learner’s diary, click on the diary entry that is overdue and then click ‘Mark Complete’ – located at the bottom right of the screen.


Safeguarding Helpline and Contact Details

Added: 13/12/2022

Please ensure your learners (and yourself) are uptodate with our B-Skill Safeguarding Helpline and the list of Safeguarding Leads and Officers.  You can right click the graphic(s) and save to your computer if required.

How to use Resources Centre in Aptem

Added: 12/12/2022

A short video briefly explaining the Resource Centre in Aptem.  The centre includes some wider learning material.  Coaches should also highlight the Safeguarding officers document located there.

How To Upload and Mark in Aptem (v2)

Added: 12/12/2022

Here is an additional video, showing in more detail how to upload and mark work in Aptem.  It also explains a little about the user dashboard.

Remember, try and have the learner do the uploads themselves – saving you admin time.


How To Mark Work Into Aptem

Added: 05/12/2022

Attached is a short video demonstrating how to mark work (tick criteria) into Aptem. 

If you have any questions or queries relating to this activity, please email